Starting Bash Under Saddle

Monday, March 4, 2024


It's time to get this guy, Bash, started under saddle. We're off to a late start as he turns four this month, but after the injury at two with the year of stall rest/small turnout then allowing more time to make sure he was completely sound we're finally ready. 

And this is my issue. 

We purchased Bash in May of 2020 from the ranch where he was bred when he was a little over a month old. They weaned him, halter broke him, and delivered him to us in October. We've been his only owners outside of his breeder, so we know exactly how he has been handled and cared for. While most of our horses are rescues and have unknown or bad histories he does not. 

None of that is the issue. My issue is that I know he's never been mishandled. He's not sour or full of bad habits or responses to being handled improperly. He's always had proper nutrition, veterinary care, dental care, hoof care, etc. And I'm petrified to send him off to a trainer that may not be as reputable as it seems. 

I've recently been confronted with people that I had respected in regards to their horsemanship and animal husbandry show me that they actually aren't as on the up and up as I previously thought. It has been a shock to my system to have to reconcile being so wrong about a person. It's also made my suspicions arise with regards to sending my horse off. 

I have then talked to a few people about just putting on some basic rides, and I am just less than impressed with the levels of riding I am seeing. Some people might say I'm being picky, but I handpicked this colt to be part of my future. I don't want some underhanded horsemanship setting us back more than we already got set back by an accident. 

I guess my general takeaway is that I just need to do it myself. I am just worried about my already struggling physical health. The autoimmune disorder that I have affects my lungs, eyes, joints, and moisture glands throughout my body mostly. It can spread into other organs as well, but thankfully so far mine is contained to the lungs as far as body organs. However, during flares my joints become quite painful. Although I don't believe Bash will be a bronc I do know he is athletic, and I have witnessed him jump with the saddle on. I'm just not sure my joints can withstand that if I come off. 

This is such a hard thing. I have talked to one girl that I believe is a more gentle trainer. She's just getting started in this area, and although some people might want someone more experience I know that everyone has to start somewhere and she is open to a less heavy handed approach. 

Anyway, I have no clue what I will end up doing. I just know what I won't be doing and that is letting some half cocked rough rider on my horses. 

Follow me on social media for more indecisiveness! :) LOL

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