Respecting the Horse

Monday, February 26, 2024

 Lately something has been wearing on my mind, so I figured I could talk it out amongst myself here on this little blog o' mine. 

I've been seeing horses put away while still covered in sweat, saddle marks on horses from where they aren't even brushed after riding, thin horses being ridden, riding while feet are sore, A LOT of yanking on bridles, and so many other things that just overall indicate a complete lack of horsemanship and zero respect for the horse. 

We went to the Tucson Rodeo Parade for the first time where I witnessed a kid on the ground yanking the bridle of his horse IN THE PARADE. I saw multiple horses that were far too thin to be ridden, as in needing about 200 pounds put on them. Overgrown hooves. I saw one guy yank his horse to a stop so hard that the horse fell on the asphalt. The horse then limped away without the man ever checking to see if the horse was okay, and the parade marshals never saying a word. On our way leaving the parade, we saw a trailer where horses were tied BY THE BRIDLE in the trailer unable to find relief from the pressure in their mouth. It was horrifying. 

I am not perfect with my horses. No one is perfect 100% of the time, and if someone claims they are then they are lying or delusional. 

These animals deserve our respect which includes taking care of them the best we can. If their feet are sore, we don't ride until we get that fixed. If they're sweaty after you're done riding then cool them off and clean them up before you put them away. And seriously, y'all STOP YANKING on that horse. These horses deserve this respect from us. 

Some of y'all need to go back to learning basic horsemanship before you're allowed to ride. I said what I said.

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