Friday, September 13, 2024


There haven't been any blog posts this week including today's Horse Fact Friday. I've been sick, and now we have a sick that has pretty much taken all of my time. 

A few days ago I noticed Hootie doing some head shaking, but I thought it was flies as he had rubbed a spot on one of his eyes. But then he didn't want to eat yesterday, so we took his temperature and it was high. I cold hosed him through the night and tried to make sure he was drinking. He would take a few sips then stop. I contacted the vet and got an appointment for this afternoon. 

I'm pretty sure it's his teeth. At least I'm hoping it's that and not something more serious. 

We figured he needed a dental, but as he's not being ridden currently and his previous owners said he had one in November we were trying to hold off until we got the rest done in February during dental month with our vet. 

Anyway, other than me being under the weather and now Hootie things are pretty good. Our boarder horse was acting suspicious this morning as well. Not wanting to eat or get up and nipping at her sides. I'll be keeping an eye on her to make sure she's drinking and pooping. 

PopTart is going to be getting a major vet visit once Karma is weaned including some spinal x-rays. I have been struggling with her for awhile now with thinking there is an issue, and although I've been told repeatedly after lameness exams that she's fine I know there is something off. And now she has that weird bump on her lumbar, so I need to get confirmation. The last thing I want to do is put her back into work if there is something going on. 

Karma is doing amazing. Leading, haltering, grooming, she does amazing with her feet. She's just incredible. 

Bash is progressing. Not as quickly as I would like, but he's just a slow to mature guy. And with his injury he got set back quite a bit. Plus I'm in zero rush. I'd rather have him come along correctly and have a long career than rush things and mess it up. 

Anyway that's what has been going on with me. Make sure to follow my social media by clicking the link below to stay the most up to date on the Road to Rodeo! 

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