Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Although Zorro has only been with us a short time, we love him deeply. Zorro came to us in January, underweight after having been leased out and not being properly cared for. 

Since arriving, we followed the UC Davis refeeding protocol and as of today, Zorro is around a BCS of 4 which is up from a 1 on arrival. He is undermuscled and lacking in topline, but that comes from work and exercise which we haven't done other than letting him wander the pasture with the herd to move around. Zorro currently eats alfalfa, bermuda, Nutrena Empower Topline Balancers, and Nutrena Senior Feed. He's had his feet done, and we treated for ulcers on arrival. 

Zorro came here because he needed a home, and he loves kids. He's beginner safe, so he would have been perfect for the horsemanship program that I co-owned. However, I've left the program, and we don't have any small kids. This means Zorro would just be left in our pasture with no purpose, and while I think that is fine for horses...they don't all need a purpose. He does enjoy attention. He waits at the gate, and if he sees anyone headed to the pasture with a halter he will head to meet you. So clearly, Zorro wants attention and deserves it. 

I posted him to my friends on Facebook, and someone answered! They came to meet Zorro, and he's headed to their house on a lease with a purchase option if he works out. They're going to finish feeding him up, get him in shape, and see if he works out for their littles! He's going to be so loved, and their daughter is already asked about when he gets to come home. 

Every horse deserves to be owned by a horse crazy little girl or boy at some point in their lives. And I'm so happy that Zorro's time has come. 

And they know that he will always have a home here if he doesn't work out or they need to give him up. As do all horses who pass through my barn. That's the least I can do for them. I love them all dearly, and if I had a purpose for him then he could stay here forever. 

Here's to Zorro and him living his best life as a kid's pony. 

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