Horse Fact Friday: Futurities and Derbies Oh My!

Friday, January 26, 2024


The world of barrel racing can be confusing with all of the associations and options and events. This post is going to specifically talk about juvenile events, futurities, and derbies in the barrel racing world. There are other events that have juvenile, futurity, and derby events as well. 

These are less "rules" than general guidelines as each association governing the event is free to make their own rules, although most are fairly similar. 

A juvenile horse is a three year old that has not raced previously. Horses running in this event are unproven in the arena. 

A futurity horse is a four OR five year old that has not previously competed. In former years, these were all four year old. However, many organizations have begun letting people hold a horse back and still compete during its five year old year. There are many reasons a horse may be held back including injury, immaturity, rider health, etc. 

Derby horses typically have two years old eligibility either at their five and six year old year or their six and seven year old years. Derby horses could be horses that have not previously competed, but most move from competing at futurities into competing at derbies. Some derby entries offer incentive prizes to the horses that previously competed in their futurity. 

Regardless of the organization all juvenile, futurity, or derby horses MUST be able to prove their age. Most require breed registration papers, however there are some that will allow a letter from a licensed veterinarian verifying age of an animal without registration papers. If questioned, this must be corroborated by the event's veterinarian. 

There are also additional incentives that allow both juvenile, futurity, derby, and open horses which is an entirely different blog post. 

As a reminder, this is in no way a completely comprehensive blog post about all of the intricacies to navigate the world of futurity colts. This is a very general informative post for beginners to our industry. I have gotten some nasty rude messages from people indicating that I need to stop sharing information that is so basic. That is the purpose of the majority of my Horse Fact Friday posts that I cross post to Barrel Racer University is to be basic beginner information for those just starting out. So please, if you have something negative or nasty to say keep it to yourself. That's not what my mission is with this blog or BRU. 

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