Horse Fact Friday: Bell Boots

Friday, January 12, 2024


Bell Boots

Do I really need them on my horse?

The short answer for this is maybe. 

Not all horses overreach which is what the bell boot protects from. Overreaching is when the front of the hind hoof hits the bulb on the back of the front hoof which can cause injury, pull shoes, and be painful for your horse. 

There are certain sports that are prone to creating situations and movements of the horse that make the chance of an overreaching injury more common. Sports like reining, barrel racing, jumping, etc. that test a horse's athleticism it is recommended that bell boots be worn. 

Some horses need them in the paddock as well just because they are prone to this specific type of injury. 

Overall, whether the horse does or doesn't need them it does not hurt to have these on. There is no real negative consequences like we see with overheating in leg protection. Plus they come in a ton of varieties so you can play around and have the cutest colors on your horse. 

Just make sure they fit properly. You should be able to fit at least a finger between the bell boot and your horse's pastern. The bell boot should also nearly touch the ground when the horse is standing still. 

If you need help putting them on check out this video:

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